Hackers! Immune System of Internet

Sharvin Pharande
5 min readJul 16, 2020


This blog is to change the point of view of people looking towards the “HACKERS”, as they think that the hackers are always evil-minded.

So basically.. let’s start with what exactly a “HACKER” actually means.

What does the word “HACKER” mean?

A hacker is a person who basically is skilled to use a computer and well aware of the Internet, Internet protocols, networking, and other technical stuff.

The hacker is someone who is able to subvert computer security. If the reasons are based on ulterior motives, the person can also be called a “Cracker”

Now that You’ll know who a hacker is, you may be wondering, “Why do they do and what they do?” Primarily, there are some motives behind the actions of hackers attempt to break into computer systems.

Good vs Bad Hackers

Good | Bad

The word “Hackers” is most likely a familiar word to almost everyone. However, everyone doesn't know the entire concept of hacking. So this picture displays the two types of hackers, as most of us just hear about the hackers who have breached into a bank firewall system and had stolen a good chunk of money, etc.
But there are also some good hackers who use their knowledge & skills for the sake of people. These people are called White Hat Hackers or Ethical Hackers.

“Every time a hacker is wearing a hoodie” which is a blind belief of each and every individual.

Let's talk about the different types of hackers to clear people’s beliefs.

Types of Hackers

  1. Black Hat Hacker
    Basically, these are the “bad guys”. They are the types of hackers who break into computer networks with purely negative motives such as monetary gain or reputation.

2. White Hat Hacker
As opposite to black hat, these are the “good guys”. They are ethical hackers who create algorithms to break existing internet networks so as to solve the loopholes in the network.

3. Grey Hat Hacker
Basically, these hackers who exploit the internet systems only to make public, certain vast datasets of information that would be of benefit to everyone. They don’t possess the bad intentions of black hats.

4. Blue Hat Hacker
In one word, this is the amateur. Usually, their techniques are deployed out of ill motives such as revenge attacks.

5. Red Hat Hacker
The objective of a red hat hacker is to find black hat hackers, intercept and destroy their schemes.

6. Script Kiddie
This refers to the newbies. They don’t cause excessive damage; they use downloaded hacking software or purchased scripts to bombard traffic sites or simply disrupt the regular activity od a website.

7. Green Hat Hacker
This is the set of individuals who simply want to observe and learn about the world of hacking. It comprises those who join learning communities to watch videos and tutorials about hacking.

8. Social Engineering Hackers
These are hackers who use psychological manipulation to make people to divulge private contents or to perform certain actions. It is a more complex crime scheme.

9. Hacktivists
These are types of hackers who break into systems and networks just to draw attention towards an alarming social cause.

10. Cyber Terrorist
These are politically motivated attackers who break into computer systems to stir up violence against non-combatant targets by subnational groups.

11. State/Nation Sponsored Hackers
These are hackers who are employed by a country to attack the cyberspace of another nation or international agency as a result of warfare or to retrieve/steal information.

So, these are the types of hackers, now I hope you might understand what is done by which hacker.

Why there is need of Hackers

In the last decade, the role of hacker is deeply changed, these strange characters were once kept away from government affairs, but the scenario is reversed, there has been an unprecedented technological evolution and principal countries have discovered a new way of making war, a new way of spying.

Today the hacker is the most important player for governments and cyber warfare but not only, private companies and industry of crime consider him as the repository of knowledge that has become crucial, the mastery of new technology.
Hacker’s skill is essential to develop a cyber weapon, it’s fundamental for governments to approach what is considered the fifth domain, the cyberspace, these professionals could help the military to protect critical infrastructures but could also be engaged to penetrate foreign networks in complex and hidden cyber operations.

The hacker now has a multitude of tools and application to stress and test systems to be studied, there are established methods essentially based on shared experiences with colleagues. Forums, events, and web allow rapid circulation of information that facilitates very much the work of these professionals who once worked mostly in solitary and in total anonymity.

In many cases, the governments have publicly announced the recruiting of skilled hackers, NSA chief General Keith B. Alexander during the last edition of Defcon Hacker Conference, asked the hacker community for help U.S. securing cyberspace
India also has such hackers meet which is Nullcon, Besides, Seasides . These are the hacker conference conducted in India.

The beauty of hackers, says cybersecurity expert Keren Elazari, is that they force us to evolve and improve. Yes, some hackers are bad guys, but many are working to fight government corruption and advocate for our rights. By exposing vulnerabilities, they push the Internet to become stronger and healthier, wielding their power to create a better world. -some good lines said by Keren Elzari


Since 2014, this message that hackers can be helpful allies with a variety of different organizations and people. And surprisingly, in the past couple of years, more and more businesses are finding the value of working with the friendly hacker ecosystem. And one great way that this is actually happening is the phenomenon known as “bug bounty programs.” So these bug bounty programs also sometimes referred to as vulnerability disclosure programs or vulnerability reward programs are actually frameworks run by very big companies, companies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Samsung and even companies that are not strictly technology companies, companies like United Airlines, for example, or Western Union or even Starbucks, the coffee chain. All of these companies actually have a bug bounty program in place.

And what this means is that they are actively inviting friendly hackers to look at their product, whether it’s their app, their website. It might be a car. In the case of Tesla, that has a long-running relationship with hackers. And they’re basically telling hackers, “Look at our product.”

So, it is my point of view that hackers can be the immune system for our new connected reality

